Submit to Hyperrhiz
Hyperrhiz, the peer-reviewed new media satellite site of Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge, is seeking web-based electronic literature/poetry/art contributions. We also consider essays and reviews that take as their subject matter electronic literature, art and culture. Hyperrhiz affirms and extends the mandate of Rhizomes, which is to publish peer-reviewed electronic works based on or responding to Deleuzian analyses of culture, but we welcome works with other theoretical foundations.
All contributions will be fully refereed by an editorial board. Accepted contributions will be prepared for web presentation in conjunction with the technical editors.
Fair Use Policy
Hyperrhiz follows the Media Commons Fair Use Policy articulated by USC:
MediaCommons is a strong advocate for the right of media scholars to quote from the materials they analyze, as protected by the principle of "fair use." If such quotation is necessary to a scholar's argument, if the quotation serves to support a scholar's original analysis or pedagogical purpose, and if the quotation does not harm the market value of the original text -- but rather, and on the contrary, enhances it -- we must defend the scholar's right to quote from the media texts under study.
Timeline and Guidelines for Submission
Abstracts or demo materials can be submitted via URL or burned to CD, and should be sent to the editors by 1st December. Preference will be given to projects which are substantially or fully completed.
Submission to Hyperrhiz should be in a format that is user-friendly and accessible. All submissions, in addition to undergoing blind review, will be assessed for their usability, accessibility and adherence to technical conventions.
Submit via email
URL submissions may be sent to [email protected]Submit via snail mail (CD or DVD)
Helen J BurgessDepartment of English
North Carolina State University
276 Tompkins Hall Raleigh, NC 27691
Questions? Contact us at [email protected].